Listen Humbly To The Words Of God. Many Do Not Heed Them
吾子!你當聽我的話,我的話最甘飴,超越世間哲人智士的一切學理。『我的話有神力,有生命』 (若:肆、六九),不可用世俗的見解去測度,更不可為了虛榮去聽,只當默默靜聽,只當懷著滿心的謙遜,熱烈的心緒傾聽。
The Voice Of Christ
MY CHILD, hear My words, words of greatest sweetness surpassing all the knowledge of the philosophers and wise men of earth. My words are spirit and life, and they are not to be weighed by man's understanding. They are not to be invoked in vanity but are to be heard in silence, and accepted with all humility and with great affection.
吾主!我已經說過,禰教訓出來的人,真是有福的。『禰拿禰的誡命來教訓他,為減輕他渡日的艱難』 (詠:玖肆、十二,十三),叫他在世上得點安樂。
The Disciple
"Happy is the man whom Thou admonishest, O Lord, and teachest out of Thy law, to give him peace from the days of evil,"[31] and that he be not desolate on earth.
The Voice Of Christ
I taught the prophets from the beginning, and even to this day I continue to speak to all men. But many are hardened. Many are deaf to My voice. Most men listen more willingly to the world than to God. They are more ready to follow the appetite of their flesh than the good pleasure of God. The world, which promises small and passing things, is served with great eagerness: I promise great and eternal things and the hearts of men grow dull. Who is there that serves and obeys Me in all things with as great care as that with which the world and its masters are served?
先知依撒意亞借海的口氣,給西同城人說:『西同!你該害羞』 (依:貳參、四)若你要問為甚麼緣故,你聽著:有許多人為一點小利,走千萬里也不辭;為得永生,卻一步也不甘願走。一點小利息,也必貪求;為一、二文錢,有時候竟爭執不休;為虛幻的利益,甚至不怕黑夜白日地勞神出力。
"Be thou ashamed, O Sidon, for the sea speaketh."[32] And if you ask why, listen to the cause: for a small gain they travel far; for eternal life many will scarcely lift a foot from the ground. They seek a petty reward, and sometimes fight shamefully in law courts for a single piece of money. They are not afraid to work day and night for a trifle or an empty promise.
But, for an unchanging good, for a reward beyond estimate, for the greatest honor and for glory everlasting, it must be said to their shame that men begrudge even the least fatigue. Be ashamed, then, lazy and complaining servant, that they should be found more eager for perdition than you are for life, that they rejoice more in vanity than you in truth.
Sometimes indeed their expectations fail them, but My promise never deceives, nor does it send away empty-handed him who trusts in Me. What I have promised I will give. What I have said I will fulfill, if only a man remain faithful in My love to the end. I am the rewarder of all the good, the strong approver of all who are devoted to Me.
我說的話,你當銘刻在心,常常默想:因為在受誘惑的時候,我的話是最要緊的。你在看聖書時所不懂的道理,我來看顧的時候,就明白了。我照顧被選的人們,平常有兩種方式:一是考驗;一是安慰。我天天用這兩樣功課教訓他們:一是責罰他們的毛病,一是勸勉他們修德。誰聽了我的話,棄置不顧,到世界末日,必要受審判。 (若:拾、四七、四八)。
Write My words in your heart and meditate on them earnestly, for in time of temptation they will be very necessary. What you do not understand when you read, you will learn in the day of visitation. I am wont to visit My elect in two ways -- by temptation and by consolation. To them I read two lessons daily -- one reproving their vices, the other exhorting them to progress in virtue. He who has My words and despises them has that which shall condemn him on the last day.
吾主天主,禰是我的一切美善,我是誰,敢向禰說話呢!我是禰貧窮的小僕人,卑污的微虫,我的貧賤卑污,連我自己也想不到,說不出。但請我主:記起我的虛無,什麼也沒有,什麼也不能。惟獨禰,聖善公義,無所不能,無恩不施,禰充實一切,只讓罪人空無所有。『求禰紀念禰的仁慈』 (詠:貳伍、六),也用禰的聖寵充滿我心,因為禰不願意禰的作為空虛不實。
O Lord my God, You are all my good. And who am I that I should dare to speak to You? I am Your poorest and meanest servant, a vile worm, much more poor and contemptible than I know or dare to say. Yet remember me, Lord, because I am nothing, I have nothing, and I can do nothing. You alone are good, just, and holy. You can do all things, You give all things, You fill all things: only the sinner do You leave empty-handed. Remember Your tender mercies and fill my heart with Your grace, You Who will not allow Your works to be in vain.
在這個苦世上,除非禰用禰的光臨壯我的膽量,我怎麼能活著呢?『求禰不要捨棄我』 (詠:貳伍、九),快來看顧我,安慰我,不然,『恐怕我的靈魂,將如同缺雨的田地一樣要乾枯了』(詠:壹肆參、六)。『吾主!求禰教訓我承行禰的聖命』(詠:壹肆參、十),在禰臺前謙恭:因為禰是我的智德,禰認得我最清楚,在未有天地,未有我之前,禰就認得我。
How can I bear this life of misery unless You comfort me with Your mercy and grace? Do not turn Your face from me. Do not delay Your visitation. Do not withdraw Your consolation, lest in Your sight my soul become as desert land. Teach me, Lord, to do Your will. Teach me to live worthily and humbly in Your sight, for You are my wisdom Who know me truly, and Who knew me even before the world was made and before I was born into it.