22耶穌即刻催迫門徒上船,在他以先到對岸去;這其間,他遣散了群眾。 | 22And forthwith Jesus obliged his disciples to go up into the boat, and to go before him over the water, till he dismissed the people. |
23耶穌遣散了群眾以後,便私自上山祈禱去了。到了夜晚,他獨自一人在那裡。 | 23And having dismissed the multitude, he went into a mountain alone to pray. And when it was evening, he was there alone. |
24船已離岸幾里了,受著波浪的顛簸,因為吹的是逆風。 | 24But the boat in the midst of the sea was tossed with the waves: for the wind was contrary. |
25夜間四更時分,耶穌步行海上,朝著他們走來。 | 25And in the fourth watch of the night, he came to them walking upon the sea. |
26門徒看見他在海上行走,就驚駭說:「是個妖怪。」並且嚇得大叫起來。 | 26And they seeing him walk upon the sea, were troubled, saying: It is an apparition. And they cried out for fear. |
27耶穌立即向他們說道:「放心!是我。不必害怕!」 | 27And immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying: Be of good heart: it is I, fear ye not. |
28伯多祿回答說:「主,如果是你,就叫我在水面上步行到你那裡罷!」 | 28And Peter making answer, said: Lord, if it be thou, bid me come to thee upon the waters. |
29耶穌說:「來罷!」伯多祿遂從船上下來,走在水面上,往耶穌那裡去。 | 29And he said: Come. And Peter going down out of the boat, walked upon the water to come to Jesus. |
30但他一見風勢很強,就害怕起來,並開始下沉,遂大叫說:「主,救我罷!」 | 30But seeing the wind strong, he was afraid: and when he began to sink, he cried out, saying: Lord, save me. |
31耶穌立刻伸手拉住他,對他說:「小信德的人哪!你為什麼懷疑?」 | 31And immediately Jesus stretching forth his hand took hold of him, and said to him: O thou of little faith, why didst thou doubt? |
32他們一上了船,風就停了。 | 32And when they were come up into the boat, the wind ceased. |
33船上的人便朝拜他說:「你真是天主子。」 | 33And they that were in the boat came and adored him, saying: Indeed thou art the Son of God. |
Ø 我跟耶穌說:我想跟你在一起,耶穌牽著我的手,一同走到山上,我感覺到耶穌的身體有些的疲憊。
Ø 耶穌在祈禱,我一直聽到他叫著『阿爸父!阿爸父!』我看到天上有光芒照耀著耶穌,後來耶穌的手抱著我的腰,讓我看靠他的身邊,然後他開口對天父說:我把妳的女兒交給祢,求你賜給他足夠的信心及力量,面對風浪。
Ø 我跟耶穌下山,在路途中我問祂,關於我與我姊妹對話的事,耶穌說:妳都已經省察清楚了阿!對方迷亂中,交通的時候,不要把自己放進去,要記得妳的經驗不見得就是他的經驗,耶穌說:要看對方的吸收程度,妳的性格喜歡收集資料,聽各路的意見,不同的方式,然後整理,可是不是每一個人都是如此阿。耶穌說:注意對方的吸收,如果他只能做到一個部分,就告訴他一個部分,你也不會花太多的時間與精力,耶穌說:還有我昨天我給妳的畫面嗎?妳只要講那個畫面就好了,你以前對不認識的人,不是只有單純講那個畫面嗎?對認識的人也是如此,我跟耶穌說:我懂了。
Ø 我同耶穌要到門徒的船那邊去,耶穌要走在海面上,我的手摟住耶穌的腰,我覺得我的心已不再懼怕了,我享受到耶穌的同在,與風吹的情景。
Ø 船上的門徒看見耶穌:以為是妖怪,耶穌對他們說:放心,是我。
Ø 彼得懷著信心與篤定的心對耶穌說:「主,如果是你,就叫我在水面上步行到你那裡罷!」耶穌回答說:來吧!
Ø 我看著彼得懷著信心步下水面,一邊看著彼得信心和內心的恐懼交替著,最後來了大風浪,彼得就叫耶穌,後來耶穌牽著彼得的手和我的手,一起回到船上,風浪就停了。
Ø 我到天父的面前,天父用手摸著我的頭,我抱住天父,我跟天父說,不要撇棄我。天父拖起我的臉,看著我,如果你把妳的心整個交給我,就不會覺得我撇棄妳,
Ø 我跟天父說我該如何做呢?
Ø 天父說:像彼得一樣,信德的心,而且是全心注目耶穌。
Ø 耶穌抱住我:讓我看著他的眼睛,她說妳看到甚麼?
Ø 我說:我看到你的溫柔與愛。