14當他們來到群眾那裡時,有一個人來到耶穌跟前,跪下, | 14And when he was come to the multitude, there came to him a man falling down on his knees before him, saying: Lord, have pity on my son, for he is a lunatic, and suffereth much: for he falleth often into the fire, and often into the water. |
15說:「主啊,可憐我的兒子罷!他患癲癇病很苦,屢次跌在火中,又屢次跌在水裡。 | 15And I brought him to thy disciples, and they could not cure him. |
16我把他帶到你的門徒跟前,他們卻不能治好他。」 | 16Then Jesus answered and said: O unbelieving and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I suffer you? bring him hither to me. |
17耶穌回答說:「哎!無信敗壞的世代,我同你們在一起要到幾時呢?我容忍你們要到幾時呢?把他給我帶到這裡來!」 | 17And Jesus rebuked him, and the devil went out of him, and the child was cured from that hour. |
18耶穌遂叱責魔鬼,魔鬼就從孩子身上出去了;從那時刻,孩子就好了。 | 18Then came the disciples to Jesus secretly, and said: Why could not we cast him out? |
19以後,門徒前來私下對耶穌說:「為什麼我們不能逐出這魔鬼呢?」 | 19Jesus said to them: Because of your unbelief. For, amen I say to you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, Remove from hence hither, and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible to you. |
20耶穌對他們說:「由於你們缺少信德;我實在告訴你們:假如你們有像芥子那麼大的信德,你們向這座山說:從這邊移到那邊去!它必會移過去的;為你們沒有不可能的事。 | 20But this kind is not cast out but by prayer and fasting. |
Ø 我同耶穌在一起,看見一個父親為了他兒子的病,來求上帝醫治,耶穌說了:「哎!無信敗壞的世代,我同你們在一起要到幾時呢?我容忍你們要到幾時呢?把他給我帶到這裡來!」
Ø 我感受到耶穌的無奈與神給祂的計畫,與門徒給祂的感受。
Ø 我問耶穌,我說:其實我也一樣,我不能明白,醫治的意義及如何使用信心。
Ø 耶穌讓我安靜下來,我體會到父神的光芒,耶穌說:信心的光芒來自上帝,有些人醫治了,有些人沒有醫治是上帝的奧秘,但是如果人把上帝如芥菜種的信心放入他的心中,縱使有病痛,上帝的恩寵會猶如芥菜種的成長在他的心中勝過一切。
Ø 天父說:這一次我們的出發,你不在是用技巧,用方法,用你的外在行為表現。
Ø 天父說:我砍斷你的慾望,是因為我知道你在尋求我,如果我讓你如此的發展下去,你只有痛苦。
Ø 天父說:你若不是選擇世界,就是要選擇歸我,你既不是選擇世界,你就要選擇我做事的方式,我保存了你的單純與自然,因為只有這兩樣,才能與我連結,你要時刻像芥菜種,妳才能隨時謙卑,因為芥菜種的生命與成長的奧秘是來自於我。